
Allows the user to export sketch 3 layers to .md files.

MIT LicenseMIT

MarkUp 1.OV

Sketch 3 Plugin that allows you to export Sketch 3 layers to a .md file.(like a README.md file)

This allows the user to get a visual look at the .md file while your making it.


**You must select the layers from the menu upon first creation of a layer while scripting**

#How it works

  • MarkUp uses sketch layer attributes and objective c methods to effectively write to a .md file.

#Install from repo

  • Download and open MarkUp-master folder.
  • Navigate the Sketch menu bar to Plugins ▸ Reveal Plugins Folder...
  • Place MarkUp.sketchplugin into the revealed plugins directory.
- Download and open MarkUp-master folder. - Double click MarkUp.sketchplugin (while sketch is open).


  • get a working file directory.(done)
  • get data transfer working between objectClasses and fileManager.(done 8/16/16)
  • improve the transfer between sketch and .md.(working)
  • add keyboard shortcut.(saving for later).


  • Added working textField button v1.0 with only textWeight and textValue.
  • Moved to MSPluginCommand to handle the data between classes.


  • Just start a new issue or make a branch.