Quadsolver v1 for CS 4900


Jared Teller - jared.e.teller@wmich.edu Joe Manto - joe.m.manto@wmich.edu


J.K.K. Consulting. - john.kapenga@wmich.edu


This program will take in user input as follows: "a b c" where a,b, and c are floating point numbers. The quadratic equation (-b +- sqrt(b*b-4ac)) / 2a will be computed and output to the user. Proper warnings will be given for bad input.

Compile and Run Instructions

To run the core program use "make quad" which will run the executable ./quadsolver and start prompting for user input. To create the executable run "make".


We used a make file for Automation to create a consistent compiling and linking experience. Our make file handles all the of the following

  • compiling and linking the correct object files for quadsolver
  • compiling and assembling all the spikes
  • compiling,linking,and assembling all unit tests
  • compiling,linking, and assembling all the system tests
  • exporting the program to a tar ball.

Version Control

Git was used for version control of the program and allowed for effective pair programming. All tests must pass before any change is made to the program.

Git Commands: - git add -A - git commit -m "message" - git push <remote> master


We decided to use the C11 standard for gcc. The program will be run with Make instructions like -Wall -pedantic.


To run all unit tests do:

  • make unit

  • ./unit all or make test-unit

To run all system tests do: make system

  • ./system or make test-system

See readme in the testing directory for more information.


Licensed under GNU General Public License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.