
Offloading ckpt from vast to googledrive when training is done

1blackbar opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey i had a hard time yesterday setting up gdrive even tho its pretty straightforward there are still permissions in place that cause trouble so i gave up, so eveytthing wehnt fine it accepted my googledrive token but i could not mount it.

I wanted to just move my ckpt into drive , used these instructions on bottom

as well as these cause i had that fuse: bad mount point runtime 1 error mentioned

You think it will work with vast ? I presume it works for runpod cauise the code is in notebook ?

I had the same situation happening and I got it working on

Here's my drag and drop solution for now:
tar -xf gdrive_2.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo install gdrive /usr/local/bin/gdrive
apt-get install musl
gdrive list

With the grdive list you can trigger the auth. After that you just run the upload and it should work fine.

gdrive upload filetoupload.ckpt

It's also worth mentioning that I've done this through SSH. I'm not sure how would you pass back the auth key from jupyter correctly.

A bit simpler one, works on jupyter but you need to open a terminal and run it there. I haven't figured out a good way of entering the auth key directly from a notebook.

tar -xvf gdrive_2.1.1_linux_386.tar.gz
./gdrive about
./gdrive upload ./trained_models --recursive

I can't get a clean authorization when I run from a community pod in runpod, but it works with a secure one. any ideas?

After I install gdrive, and try "gdrive list", it says "Go to the following url in your browser: ..." to authorize. But entering that url, the page says "Access blocked: project-367116221053’s request is invalid"