A python tkinter project.
This is a simple Income and Expense Tracker application built using Python and Tkinter.
- Track your income and expenses
- Calculate your current balance automatically
- View income and expense history
├── budgeter.py # Main script for managing income/expenses
├── balance_data.json # JSON file storing balance history (auto-generated)
├── income_data.json # JSON file storing income data (auto-generated)
├── expenses_data.json # JSON file storing expenses data (auto-generated)
├── requirements.txt # Dependencies for the project
├── README.md # Project instructions
- Python 3.x
- Tkinter (usually included with Python installations)
- Other required packages listed in
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JoeSaf/Budgeter.git
create a virtual python environment to have the project packages in an independent env
python3 -m venv Budgeter
source Budgeter/bin/activate
source Budgeter/bin/activate.fish
cd Budgeter
pip install -r requirements.txt
python budgeter.py