From 'A Talk of ❄️ & 🔥'


Node has a built in debugger, which can be used in the terminal.

GoT.js is producing some weird effects... Use the debugger to work out why!

node inspect GoT.js

Debugger functions

command description
c continue to next debugger
n next line
s step into a function
o step out of the current function
sb('GoT.js', 8) set a breakpoint on a line in a file
bt show the stack trace
list(10) list the 10 lines around the current line of execution
watch('h1ChanceOfWinning') display the value of a variable for each line executed
unwatch('h1ChanceOfWinning') stop watching a variable
exec house1.armySize = 50000 execute some code in the current scope
r restart the execution of the file