
We provide code, model weights (EfficientNetB0, MobileNet, Xception, ResNet50 and DenseNet121, for 224*224, 320*320, 448*448 input resolution) and a test set with 300 breast ultrasound images for physician-ai comparasion in this respository.

All models output predictions have been saved in 'model and physicians performance on AI-Physician Comparasion set' dictionary.

3oo test images for physician-ai comparasion are saved in 'Images of AI-Physician Comparasion'.

Pathological results and birads classes of these 300 images could be found in AI-Physician Comparasion Dataset.xlsx.

Staticial figures are saved in 'Figures'.

15 model weights are available from

To test model performance on 300 image test set, run

To draw models comparasion figure, run Model Perfomance

To draw model-physician performance comparasion of Wilcoxon test figures, run Model-Physician Performance

To draw AUROC curve of AI and physicians, run