Xamarin.Android Native EasingInterpolator Twenty-eight different easing animation interpolators for Android. ported from EasingInterpolator by Masayuki Suda
This is a ported build, converted from Java to C# for use with the Xamarin MonoFramework.
Simply install the nuget package within your Xamarin.Android project and use as described below.
Package Install:
Install-Package Xama.JTPorts.EasingInterpolator -Version 1.0.2
dotnet add package Xama.JTPorts.EasingInterpolator --version 1.0.2
ValueAnimator valueAnimator = new ValueAnimator();
valueAnimator.SetInterpolator(new EasingInterpolator(Ease.CubicIn));
ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(View, "translationY", 0, 300);
objectAnimator.SetInterpolator(new EasingInterpolator(Ease.ElasticInOut)));
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