
A "Voxel game", or a "Minecraft clone" to further experiment with C++

Primary LanguageC++


A "Minecraft clone" to further experiment with C++. Utilizes OpenGL, GLUT, and the FastNoise libraries.

#What this isn't:

  1. Extremely efficient or well-planned.
  2. For profit. ..* This is very-much so an experiment.
  3. A full game.

#What this is:

  1. An experiment to explore the C++ language, native OpenGL bindings, procedural world generation, and optimizations that can be made to a voxel engine.
  2. An attempt at achieving high rendering performance.
  3. An experiment. It's a toy.

#Logistics The game is written in C++ using SFML, and OpenGL (and GLUT) for display. These libraries are assumed to be installed on the machine. Roughly, you must install the following packages:

  • libsfml-dev
  • freeglut3-dev

The game was developed on a low-quality laptop with the following specs:

  • Intel Core i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz × 4
  • Intel Haswell Mobile GPU
  • 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Typically, performance is approximately 250-500FPS.

//TODO: Complete readme.