
Core API functionality (User & Team management) for any service built with Vapor 3

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Slack Jenkins Platforms Swift Package Manager Swift 4 Vapor 3

Base for API's that require user & team management including forgotten passwords, etc. This library should contain all the basic endpoints neccessary to make your own SaaS platform similar to a github's own user management.

Warning!: This system is only designed to work with PostgreSQL at the moment!

Available endpoints

Install (available in DEBUG mode only!)

  • [GET] /install - install base data (admin user, team, etc)
  • [GET] /uninstall - delete all tables (apart from fluent table)
  • [GET] /reinstall - delete, create again all tables (run all migrations) and install base data
  • [GET] /database - show content of the fluent table


  • [GET] /auth - header based authentication (basic HTTP)
  • [POST] /auth - POST based authentication
  • [GET] /token - header based JWT token refresh
  • [POST] /token - POST based JWT token refresh
  • [POST] /auth/password-check - Check password validity (is the password strong enough)
  • [POST] /auth/start-recovery - Start password recovery
  • [GET] /auth/input-recovery - HTML (templatable) based new password input
  • [POST] /auth/finish-recovery - Finish recovery (from HTML or redirect)


  • [GET] /info - get server url, name and urls for server icons
  • [POST] /server/image - post a new server icon (will be used on default recovery html and as a favicon web based endpoints
  • [GET] /server/image/{icon_size} - get icon of a specific size (16, 64, 128, 192, 256 or 512px)
  • [GET] /server/image - 512px large icon
  • [DELETE] /server/image - delete server icon, default one will be used instead
  • [GET] /server/favicon - 16x16 px favicon (PNG format)


  • [GET] /users - get list of connected users within your teams (searchable)
  • [GET] /users/global - search users globally, personal info ommited, email MD5 added for gravatar
  • [POST] /users - register new user
  • [GET] /users/verify - verify regitered email (registration email/link is send to the user)
  • [POST] /users/disable - disable or enable a user (admin team members only)


  • [GET] /teams - list all available teams
  • [GET] /teams/{team_id} - details on a specific team
  • [POST] /teams - create team
  • [GET] /teams/check - check if team identifier/name is available
  • [PUT] /teams/{team_id} - modify existing team
  • [GET] /teams/{team_id}/users - users linked to a specific team
  • [POST] /teams/{team_id}/link - link a user to a specific team
  • [POST] /teams/{team_id}/unlink - un-link a user from a specific team
  • [DELETE] /teams/{team_id} - delete a team


  • [GET] /errors - print out db archived error logs
  • [GET] /flush - flush system logs (often useful when running apps in docker)
  • [GET] /ping - find out if the server is alive
  • [GET] /teapot - find out if the server is a teapot


Just add following line package to your Package.swift file.

.package(url: "https://github.com/LiveUI/ApiCore.git", .branch("master"))


There is a few ways to configure ApiCore. The easiest is through the Environmental variables.

JWT_SECRET        // Set secret for signing JWT auth tokens. Default is "secret"
SERVER_URL        // Define server's URL, overrides `X-Forwarded-Proto` header

Integrationg ApiCore into a Vapor 3 app

To use ApiCore in an app, your configure.swift file could look something like this:

import Foundation
import Vapor
import DbCore
import MailCore
import ApiCore

public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Vapor.Environment, _ services: inout Services) throws {
    print("Starting ApiCore by LiveUI")
    // Register routes
    let router = EngineRouter.default()
    try ApiCoreBase.boot(router: router)
    services.register(router, as: Router.self)
    // Go!
    try ApiCoreBase.configure(&config, &env, &services)

and main.swift somehow like that:

import ApiCoreApp
import Service
import Vapor

do {
    var config = Config.default()
    var env = try Environment.detect()
    var services = Services.default()
    // Setup ApiCore configure
    try ApiCoreApp.configure(&config, &env, &services)
    let app = try Application(
        config: config,
        environment: env,
        services: services
    try app.run()
} catch {
    print("Top-level failure: \(error)")




Join our Slack, channel #help-boost to ... well, get help :)

Boost AppStore

Core package for Boost, a completely open source enterprise AppStore written in Swift!

Other core packages

  • BoostCore - AppStore core module
  • MailCore - Mailing wrapper for multiple mailing services like MailGun, SendGrig or SMTP (coming)
  • DBCore - Set of tools for work with PostgreSQL database
  • VaporTestTools - Test tools and helpers for Vapor 3

Code contributions

We love PR’s, we can’t get enough of them ... so if you have an interesting improvement, bug-fix or a new feature please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you are not sure about something before you start the development you can always contact our dev and product team through our Slack.


Ondrej Rafaj (@rafiki270 on Github, Twitter, LiveUI Slack and Vapor Slack)


ApiCore is distributed under an Apache 2 license and can be shared or used freely within the bounds of the license itself. Most third party components used (like Vapor framework and all it’s components) in this software are MIT licensed. List of all used software is listed in the repository. All components are available in the dependencies folder.

See the LICENSE file for more info.