A command line interface that allows a user to view and interact with an employee SQL database
This application uses node and the node package manager to manage dependencies To use this application you must have a local installation of MySQL. These are the npm and MySQL commands to set up and seed the SQL database.
npm i
mysql -u "your username" -p
source schema.sql
source seeds.sql
Use the following command to start a local instance of the application on your machine:
node index.js
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
This is an open source project
This project was built by referencing the following example code
- Instructor provided class examples
- Stack Overflow question number 8813142
- Stack Overflow question number 66626936
- Inquirer documentation (https://www.npmjs.com/package/inquirer)
- MySQL documentation (https://www.npmjs.com/package/mysql2)
You can find more of my work at: Joecode22