
This Project provides the solution to run the automated tests using desktop browsers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project provides the solution to run the Westpac web app automation using Serenity, Cucumber all working together to run a desktop browser application. This Readme page helps to understand how to run the test after cloning the project.

Application under test

In this project, the AUT is https://www.westpac.co.nz/.

  • This project has been configured to run the tests in multiple browser. Here I have tried running the tests in Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers separately.
  • The test in this project has been integrated with Saucelabs to run it in cross browser and cross platform.
  • This project has been integrated with Applitools also which is the Visual UI validation tool, to find out the visual bugs in the application UI.
  • Also, this project has the capability to run the tests in parallel mode - the feature files will be executed in parallel (not the scenarios in parallel).
  • Maven profile has been added to run the test for various test environments. To run tests using profile "mvn clean test -Pprod" should be used.

How to run

  • Go to the folder path where your project POM.xml resides and type
  • mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options=”—tags @smoke” – This will run one of the scenarios from KiwiSaverCalc.feature in chrome browser
  • In case of running all the scenarios from all feature files, use “mvn clean test serenity:aggregate” which will run all scenarios and produce the aggregated results.
  • serenity.properties file contain the configuration for different browsers, Saucelabs integration and Applitools Integration.
  • When you want to run the test in Saucelabs, uncomment the Saucelabs configurations and run the test from CLI using “mvn clean test serenity:aggregate”
  • When scenarios from “ApplitoolsTest.feature” is executed, make sure that the Applitools config in properties file is uncommented.
  • To run the tests in Parallel mode, use “mvn clean verify”. This will open 3 chrome driver instances, as thread count 3 is configured in failsafe-plugin. Each feature will be run in one thread (not scenarios)

How to add further tests

For a new story

  • Design your feature files based on your acceptance criteria and what your user wants to achieve
  • Create your step definitions for how to do what the user wants to achieve


  • This project uses the Serenity reports which acts as a living documentation of results.
  • After running the "mvn clean verify", or “mvn clean test” the report is available at \kiwisaverWeb\reports\timestamp folder if the test is initiated from the command prompt.
  • If tests are started from TestRunner class (which is inside com.westpac.webapp.testRunner package), then results will be available at target/site/serenity/index.html