
Neat Livewire Charts for your Laravel projects

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Livewire Charts

Neat Livewire Charts for your Laravel projects.






You can install the package via composer:

composer require asantibanez/livewire-charts


This package requires the following packages/libraries to work:

Please follow each package/library instructions on how to set them properly in your project.

Note: At the moment, Apex Charts is only supported for drawing charts.


Livewire Charts supports out of the box the following types of charts

  • Line Chart (LivewireLineChart component)
  • Pie Chart (LivewirePieChart component)
  • Column Chart (LivewireColumnChart component)
  • Area Chart (LivewireAreaChart component)

Each one comes with its own "model" class that allows you to define the chart's data and render behavior.

  • LivewireLineChart uses LineChartModel to set up data points, markers, events and other ui customizations.
  • LivewirePieChart uses PieChartModel to set up data slices, events and other ui customizations.
  • LivewireColumnChart uses ColumnChartModel to set up data columns, events and other ui customizations.
  • LivewireAreaChart uses AreaChartModel to set up data points, events and other ui customizations.

For example, to render a column chart, we can create an instance of ColumnChartModel and add some data to it

$columnChartModel = 
    (new ColumnChartModel())
        ->setTitle('Expenses by Type')
        ->addColumn('Food', 100, '#f6ad55')
        ->addColumn('Shopping', 200, '#fc8181')
        ->addColumn('Travel', 300, '#90cdf4')

Note: Chart model methods are chainable 💪

With $columnChartModel at hand, we pass it to our LivewireColumnChart component in our Blade template.


And that's it! You have a beautiful rendered chart in seconds. 👌

column chart example

Note: You can use these charts inside other Livewire components too. Just render them in your Blade template and you are good to go. 👍

Enabling Interactions

To enable click events, you must use the with[XXX]ClickEvent($eventName) method present in every model class and define a custom $eventName that will be fired with the corresponding data when a column/marker/slice is clicked.

$columnChartModel = 
    (new ColumnChartModel())
        ->setTitle('Expenses by Type')

Here we define an onColumnClick event that will be fired when a column is clicked in our chart.

We can listen to the onClickEvent registering a listener in any other Livewire component.

protected $listeners = [
    'onColumnClick' => 'handleOnColumnClick',

"Reactive" Charts

You can use livewire-charts components as nested components in you Livewire components. Once rendered, charts will not automatically react to changes in the $model passed in. This is just how Livewire works.

However, to enable "reactivity" when data passed in changes, you can define a special $key to your components so they are fully re-rendered each time the chart data changes.

Each model class comes with a reactiveKey() method that returns a string based on its data. If any of the properties are changed, this key will update accordingly and re-render the chart again.

In the following example, a parent component houses both column chart and pie chart and defines a $model for each one. The parent component renders the charts as follows

    key="{{ $columnChartModel->reactiveKey() }}"

    key="{{ $pieChartModel->reactiveKey() }}"

When the parent component changes their respective models, charts will automatically re-render itself.

reactive charts example

Charts API

For each chart, a specific model class needs to be used. Here, it is detailed the api available for each type of chart.


Method Description
setTitle(string $title) Sets chart title
setAnimated(boolean $animated) Enables/disables animation
addPoint(string $title, double $value, array $extras = []) Adds a point to the line chart. $extras is forwarded on click event
addMarker(string $title, double $value) Adds a marker point to the line chart. Markers are used to emphasize particular points in the chart
withOnPointClickEvent(string $eventName) Event Name that will be fired when a point/marker of the chart is clicked


Method Description
setTitle(string $title) Sets chart title
setAnimated(boolean $animated) Enables/disables animation
setOpacity(int $opacity) Sets columns' opacity
addColumn(string $title, double $value, string $color, array $extras = []) Adds a column to the chart with the specified color. $extras is forwarded on click event
onColumnClickEventName(string $eventName) Event Name that will be fired when a column of the chart is clicked


Method Description
setTitle(string $title) Sets chart title
setAnimated(boolean $animated) Enables/disables animation
setOpacity(int $opacity) Sets slices' opacity
addSlice(string $title, double $value, string $color, array $extras = []) Adds a slice to the chart with the specified color. $extras is forwarded on click event
withOnSliceClickEvent(string $eventName) Event Name that will be fired when a column of the chart is clicked


Method Description
setTitle(string $title) Sets chart title
setAnimated(boolean $animated) Enables/disables animation
addPoint(string $title, double $value, array $extras = []) Adds a point to the area chart. $extras is forwarded on click event
withOnPointClickEvent(string $eventName) Event Name that will be fired when a point of the chart is clicked
setXAxisVisible(boolean $visible) Shows/hides xAxis labels
setYAxisVisible(boolean $visible) Shows/hides yAxis labels


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email santibanez.andres@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.