
Built the Google Application that uses the original custom Google Search API. We will be using react-router that when you search for anything on the search bar you will get it but the page won't refresh. I used Context Api, Material U-I for the icons and a lot of the design work. I used and worked with Google Custom SEARCH API to fetch data and also used my own custom react hook to get the search result of the data and display it on the search Page

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live Application - Google App

Table of Contents

Here are sections headers that will be used to reference location of destinations.


Built this Google App that uses the Real Google API Endpoint. I built my own custom search engine that displayed the results on the search Page. This Project also used the Official Google Design Library, Material UI for the design and Icons.


  • ⚛ ReactJS / Context API / React-Router / Hooks /
  • 🖥 HTML / CSS
  • 🎨 Material UI /

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How To Use


Make sure Npm and Node is installed in your computer.

  • This project won't work on other computers because it uses an API to fetch data and the API KEYS are private but you can use the LIVE DEMO at the top

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Copyright (©) [2021] [JoelAngel]

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Author Info

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