
prometheus simple alerter

Primary LanguageGo

Prometheus simple alerter

alertmanager is a very powerful tool to send prometheus alert to different targets. But it is also very complicated. Many teams only need to send alert message to Slack, so this simple alerter.

go get github.com/mediocregopher/radix.v2/redis
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o molert
# start redis server before running molert
./molert -expiration=180 -frequency=60 -silence_duration=3600 -redis_url="" -slack_webhook="https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxx" -listen_addr="" -external_url="http://www.example.com:9093"
  • expiration: Expiration time in seconds, if no more alert message fired in this time, this alert will disappear. Default 180 aka 3min
  • frequency: Alert frequency in seconds. Default 60 aka 1min
  • silence_duration: Silence duration in seconds, if problem not fixed during this time, alert will fire again. Default 3600 aka 1hour
  • redis_url: Redis server url, redis is used to store alert status. Default ""
  • external_url: URL under which molert is externally reachable, alert can be silenced by this URL with curl, the command is sent with alert msg to slack
  • listen_addr: Molert http server listen on this address, set alertmanager.url to this url addr. Default ""
  • slack_webhook: slack webhook url

To silence an alert, run curl -XPOST http://www.example.com:9093/silence -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "THE URL GIVEN BY SLACK MESSAGE", "duration": 3600}'. duration can be omitted which default to silence_duration argument passed to molert. If you want to silence an alert message forever, pass a negative integer as duration. To un-silence an alert message, pass a small positive integer (eg. 1) as duration.


  • Add a web page to view all alerts and silence/un-silence an alert