
Exploring MQTT as a virtual link layer for BACnet

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Exploring MQTT as a virtual link layer for BACnet

During the BACnet IT Working Group discussions about the upcoming BACnet/SC addenda there was brief mention of using other kinds of message brokers that are based on existing standards. This demonstration project is to explore the use of MQTT.


  1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/JoelBender/bacpypes-mqtt.git
  1. Install the project dependancies in a virtual environment:
$ cd bacpypes-mqtt
$ pipenv install
  1. Duplicate the BACpypes~.ini template and modify the BACnet device settings:
$ cp BACpypes~.ini BACpypes.ini
$ vi BACpypes.ini
  1. Run the console application, by default will use the bacpypes-mqtt network on the test.mosquitto.org broker.
$ pipenv run python console_client.py
  1. See who else is online:
> whois

For more information see the wiki.