- 11xp
- autarc@searchmetrics
- bluewhalelabsZealous
- butch2k
- chancejiangChina
- computingfreakMumbai, India
- DeadEyeDick
- fculpoLyon, France
- FrontierAppsGrand Rapids, MI
- iDevyMoscow
- igponceLarge magellanic cloud
- ikuradon
- jgaretLille
- jhcloos
- JoelBesadaStockholm, Sweden
- jouach
- Kero-it
- lb1aFreiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- mayuluISV
- mcanthonyDΞFCONCΞPTS
- michelsikLa plus belle ville du Monde qu'on s'applique à détruire
- nlevitt
- odixon
- prashPhiladelphia PA
- raxen
- shendongmingshanghai
- SimonWaldherrRUBIX GmbH
- sipp11
- SouzaRMBrazil - Porto Seguro-BA
- thingbuilder
- thoughtchadSage of Technical Debuggery and General Wizardry, Destroyer of Monotony, Digital Nomad ( Level 27 )
- tmr255
- tomcarlson
- tvelter
- ZmKNancy, France