JoelBondurant's Following
- nyxtom
- davidlattimoreSydney, Australia
- jonhoo@helsing-ai
- AaronGoldmanMountain View CA
- axboeFacebook
- jartGoogle
- adamjonasChaincode Labs
- mathiastiberghiencode192
- hebastoBitcoin Core
- maflckoMalmö, Sweden
- jonatack
- jhoenicke@Certora
- ecdsa
- jheerUniversity of Washington @uwdata, Trifacta Inc.
- kanitw@databricks
- domoritzCMU, Apple
- petertoddToronto
- vbuterin
- sipa@chaincodelabs
- gmaxwell
- apoelstra@Blockstream
- yuanming-hu
- laanwj@mit-dci
- jedmccalebFounder of
- dlwh@stanford-crfm
- teoliphantQuansight, OpenTeams
- Cyan4973@facebook
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- dabeazDabeaz, LLC
- vsirimalle
- baruchel
- channelcatLos Angeles
- jasongrout@databricks
- parente@wearethorn
- Lull3rSkat3rAustin, TX