
🖥️ Command line application for viewing and managing departments, roles, and employees in your company

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Employee Management System

Command line application for viewing and managing departments, roles, and employees in your company

Table of Contents


  • Add new employees, roles, and departments to a company
  • Assign new employees a manager
  • View all employees, or filter view by role or department
  • Update an employee's role


  1. Download project by clicking Code button at the top of this repository, and open project directory in terminal.
  2. Install npm packages: Inquirer, Mysql, optional console.table
    npm i inquirer
    npm i mysql
    npm i console.table
  3. Create database in MySQL using the provided schema located in data directory
    • (optional): Prepopulate with data from seed.sql file.
      You may add your company's existing data in this file using the given models, or via the app)
    mysql -u [your username] -p
    [enter password]
    source ./data/Company-Schema.sql
    source ./data/seed.sql (optional)
  4. Make sure to update the app.js file with your MySQL username & password


--> Walkthrough Video <--

  1. Run node app in terminal
  2. Select an option from the menu & follow prompts to view or manage items in the company database
  3. Select Exit on main menu to exit the app


Contributions welcome!

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Commit/push your changes
  4. Create a new pull request

Future Development

  • Update an employee's manager
  • View employees by manager
  • DELETE employees/roles/deptartments from database
  • View total utilized budget of a department


If you have any questions, feel free to create an Issue or contact me directly at dore.joel.dore@gmail.com


This project is MIT licensed.
© 2020 Joel Dore

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