Quick-n-easy Install

Running the following command will turn a Raspberry Pi into a Buseroo kiosk:

bash -c "$(curl -L https://buseroo.com/JKiosk/install.sh)"

Full Install Instructions

Install Raspberry Pi 1. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager from https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ 2. Install Raspberry Pi OS onto a MicroSD card through the Imager. 3. Attach the MicroSD card, a touch screen, keyboard, and mouse to the Raspberry Pi. 4. Power up the kiosk and follow the setup instructions on screen. Install JKiosk 5. Once the instructions are finished and the kiosk has rebooted, install JKiosk by running the following command:

bash -c "$(curl -L https://buseroo.com/JKiosk/install.sh)"

The command will take around a minute to run and the kiosk should start displaying the buseroo.com website on your selected institution. If not, check the debugging section below:

Debugging problems installing JKiosk
  • Problem: How to uninstall JKiosk?
    Solution: bash -c "$(curl -L https://buseroo.com/JKiosk/uninstall.sh)"
  • Problem: How to change the specified institution?
    Solution: Uninstall and reinstall JKiosk, specifying the right institution this time.
  • Problem: Get the error message Job for kiosk.service failed because the control process exited with err... See "systemctl status kiosk.services" and "journalctl -xe" for details
    Solution: Run systemctl status kiosk.service. If you get the error Failed to determine group credentials, then the incorrect user group was specified. Uninstall and reinstall JKiosk specifying the correct user group.

How to Use

Type jkiosk off to stop the kiosk and jkiosk on to restart it.

About the Code

  • kiosk.service (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kiosk.service) The kiosk service file specifies kiosk mode configurations for the system daemon such as the environment and where the kiosk.sh file is located.
  • kiosk.sh The kiosk shell file puts the kiosk in kiosk mode when executed. It is called by the system daemon based on kiosk.service's configuration.
  • jkiosk.sh Makes managing the kiosk in the command line easier through simple commands such as jkiosk on, jkiosk off, jkiosk status, and jkiosk uninstall. It is sourced from ~/.bashrc on every shell session startup