
Backend API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Backend API written entirely in Typescript

This is my first project written from the ground up in Typescript. I've not really had a chance to work with it before but thought I'd give it a shot so that I could have a practical application to show others

Running the project

  1. npm install - installs all the node dependencies

  2. Create a .env with the following information. The backend is expecting to use postgresql as a database but can also with many other databases if need be. Simply change the line called client in /db/knexfile.ts to another database and it should in theory work flawlessly. For the TOKEN_SECRET just generate a random token (e.g. require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex')).

  3. npm start - Starts up the project on the specified port


  • npm start - Runs and builds the project
  • npm run build - Compiles the Typescript code to JavaScript in the /dist folder
  • npm run build:run - Runs the compiled JavaScript build
  • npm run database-build - Creates the database, migrates to the latest versions and runs seeding. (npm start runs this every time)
  • npm run database-teardown - Rolls-back the latest database migration
  • npm run database-update - Runs the latest migration
  • npm run kill-port - Kills the process running on the specified port as nodemon sometimes doesn't restart correctly
  • npm run prettier - Runs prettier on the codebase (recommended before push)

Tech stack

  • Typescript
  • knex
  • nodemon
  • JSON Web Tokens
  • pino-pretty logging
  • eslint
  • prettier
  • tsc
  • swagger