
This is the repository where our BlueLearn EdTech Hackathon project comes to life

Primary LanguageCSS

Project Name - LearnTube

About the Project

When anyone wants to learn about a technology or wants to starts to learn something new, most probably he would be looking for it on YouTube. Why? because it is the best place for one to find videos and tutorials on any topic that they wish to learn for free. But the main drawback of learning from YouTube is that it's too much cluttered now and there are lot of videos on same topics which newbie gets overwhelmed at first to select which one to follow. With this project our aim is to organise the clutter in the YouTube and make it more approachable to find the resources from YouTube for all the newbies out there.

What our project does is it provides a platform where the users who have learnt a set of skills from YouTube can make a playlist of videos that they believe is good keeping in mind that a newbie would follow it and can publish it for different topics. The users who comes to learn can then search the topic they want to learn and the platform would provide these playlists as the output, not any standalone video. Its like spotify playlist that anyone can create and others can follow except here its for educational purpose. So this way the vast amount of videos that is cluttered in YouTube can be simplified for newbies. These newbies can then watch these playlists and then can decide whether it is good or bad and according we can use it to rank those playlists in the search.

This project was first meant to address the topic "where to start" but as we went further with ideation we found out that the project is actually sovling ALL THE THREE PROBLEM STATEMENTS

  1. It solves the "where to start" problem because at the core this project is meant to be used for all newbies and help them to not get lost on what to follow

  2. It solves the "Organized learning" because our project's approach is to make a video playlist index which would be strictly made to for newbies to follow from zero-intermediate level or even advanced.

  3. It solves "EdTech for Rural India" issue cause one of the main problems they face is they money, resources and right guidance. With our website we are tackling all those issues cause its free and open source, resources are organised for a newbie, the playlists are made by someone who have already followed it.

The ambition and goal of our project was big but to create it needed more experience with development. The project that we could pull off were not the exact idea we had in mind partly due to our lack of experience and knowledge as we were new to web development and hackathons. But we believe it could turn into something big in future after working on it more.

Technologies used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, elfsight(https://apps.elfsight.com/panel/applications/)

Steps for installation

To run this project on ur local repo-

  1. clone the main branch to your local environment
  2. click and run the the index.html file

Video Demo and Screenshots

google drive link - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D0kE-aR_eK0gEb6dIFZ-cbAje1rw88hb?usp=sharing