Archivium is a worldbuilding tool, allowing you to organize everything about your world in one place. It's designed for creators who want to keep track of all the details that make their worlds unique — from characters and histories to maps and cultures. Whether you're developing a novel, designing a game, or just exploring new ideas, Archivium offers a flexible space to collect, connect, and expand on your world’s elements at your own pace. You can work privately or collaborate with others, bringing your imaginative landscapes and stories to life.
The basic components of Archivium are Items and Universes. Items contain information about specific things within your world, such as individual characters, locations, organizations, etc. Universes allow you to group items that belong to the same world or story together.
Items may have a text body that supports standard markdown syntax (with some exceptions — we're working on it!), as well as some extra syntax to make designing the layout of your item's page or linking to another item easier.
Any number of image links can be attached to an item, where they will be displayed in a Gallery tab.
An item can list other items as its Parents or Children. This information is displayed in the Lineage tab and is generally used to construct simple family trees for Character items. (Full family tree explorer coming soon!)
An item can have any number of tabs containing custom key-value data. The markdown body can also pull information from these tabs, making them useful for data storage as well as display.
The home page lets you stay up to date on what other collaborators have been doing in universes you contribute to, as well as bringing old and possibly stale items to your attention for review.
- Image uploads
- Maps
- Timelines
- In-universe date/calendar management
- More extensive family tree tools
- On-site discussion and collaboration tools
- Integration with ScrapArchive
Want a new feature not on this list? Feel free to open a ticket here on github or shoot us an email at!
Archivium is still in early development, and bugs may pop up from time to time. If you find one — or if you'd like to suggest a new feature — please open a ticket here on github or shoot us an email at