Court View Generation

Get Started

Create conda environment and install pytorch

module load Workspace Anaconda3/2021.11-foss-2021a CUDA/11.8.0
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"

conda create -n court_gen python=3.9
conda activate court_gen

Install dependencies

You can either use the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

or install the packages manually

pip install datasets transformers nltk rouge wandb evaluate sentencepiece numpy appdirs Click psutil jinja2 networkx sympy pandas attrs
pip install "protobuf<4.21.0"

Install torch

pip install

If you don't use CUDA/11.8 adjust the torch version accordingly.


You can use the to finetune or evaluate a model

python -m scripts.run_exp3 --finetune=True --model=google/mt5-small --train_size=1000 --eval_size=100 --test_size=200 --seq_length=2048 --grad_acc_steps=1 --epochs=5 --gm=24

The batch size gets selected based on the model, sequence length and gpu memory (gm) through the dict in Many values are not tested so you might have to adjust them.


If you get an error like this:

/software.el7/software/Anaconda3/2021.11-foss-2021a/bin/python: No module named scripts.run_exp3

Try to install python 3.9 in your conda environment manually:

conda install python=3.9