
Comparison of similar functions across Elm, Javascript, and Haskell

Functional Syntax in JS, Elm, and Haskell

Elm developers often come from one of two opposite directions.

  1. JavaScript programmers who know front-end web dev but want to introduce typed FP
  2. Haskell programmers who know typed FP but want to use it for front-end web dev

This leads to lots of comparisons of Elm functions to similar ones in both JavaScript and Haskell. Now you can have all of them in one place.


Collection data structures are core to most of programming. Here's how the various collections in Elm compare to equivalents in JavaScript and Haskell.

Purpose JavaScript Elm Haskell
Random access via key - dynamic keys Map Dict Map
Random access via key - static keys N/A records records
Unique values Set Set Set
Preserve order, random access via index Array Array Array
Preserve order, no random access N/A List List

List transformations

The default collection in Elm is the list. This is a breakdown of some of the more common functional list operations.

Purpose JavaScript Elm Haskell
Combine all elements into a new value Array.prototype.reduce List.foldl foldl
Apply a function to each element Array.prototype.map List.map fmap
Only keep elements that match Array.prototype.filter List.filter filter
Get the first item array[0] List.head head
Get the first element that matches Array.prototype.find N/A find

Other Common Data Structures

Purpose JavaScript Elm Haskell
Optional values null Maybe Maybe
Error handling try / catch Result Either
Async work Promise Task IO
Side effects N/A Task / Cmd IO


Haskell is notorious for its use of operators. Here's how Elm concepts line up with some of the most common Haskell operators. Most of these FP operations don't exist in JavaScript (yet).

For more details on the Haskell operators, check out this guide.

Description JavaScript Elm Haskell
Forwards pipe |> (experimental) |> &
Backwards pipe <| $
Mapping various map functions <$>
Applying various (third party) andMap functions <*>
Chaining various andThen and concatMap functions >>=
Appending + ++ <>
Backwards composition << .
Forwards composition >>
Alternative various (third party) or functions <|>

Convenience functions

Purpose JavaScript Elm Haskell
return the argument N/A identity id
ignore the second argument N/A always const
flip the arguments of a function N/A flip flip
treat two-tuple as two args N/A curry curry