Exercism Mentors

Not a mentor?

We are always looking for more mentors to help new people ramp up in the programming languages that Exercism supports. Read more about mentorship at Exercism on mentoring.exercism.io.

Crowd-sourced mentor notes

The structure within the repository is: /tracks/ruby/exercises/isogram/README.md.

  • You can easily edit the files within GitHub to create Pull Requests for changes.
  • We'll be offering some mentors write permissions to the repo so that they can merge PRs without waiting for us to check everything.
  • In the near-future we'll auto-pull things into the website to display it for mentors at the relevant time.

Please use ### for headings and try to keep to a structure of:

  • Reasonable solutions: 1+ solutions that solve this problem well.
  • Common suggestions: Good suggestions specific to this exercise. Good lessons that emerge from it.
  • Talking points: Questions to challenge more advance learners with.

Here's an example for Ruby's Isogram.

This is how you create a new file:

Create a new file

General Mentoring Questions

How many mentors do we need?

Well, that depends. For any given track, the minimum number of active mentors is five. This ensures that the burden is never too great for a single mentor, even when life gets busy for a bit, or you go on vacation. Beyond this, we need an extra mentor for every ten-twelve additional submissions per week.

For reference, the most active track at the moment is the Python track, with about 150 submissions per day. This equates roughly to a need for about 90 active mentors, each giving about 1 hour per week.