Practice: Address Book


  1. Create a new console application.
  2. Replace the default Program class with the code below.
  3. Follow the instructions in the comments.
class Program
        1. Add the required classes to make the following code compile.
        HINT: Use a Dictionary in the AddressBook class to store Contacts. The key should be the contact's email address.

        2. Run the program and observe the exception.

        3. Add try/catch blocks in the appropriate locations to prevent the program from crashing
            Print meaningful error messages in the catch blocks.

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create a few contacts
        Contact bob = new Contact() {
            FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Smith",
            Email = "",
            Address = "100 Some Ln, Testville, TN 11111"
        Contact sue = new Contact() {
            FirstName = "Sue", LastName = "Jones",
            Email = "",
            Address = "322 Hard Way, Testville, TN 11111"
        Contact juan = new Contact() {
            FirstName = "Juan", LastName = "Lopez",
            Email = "",
            Address = "888 Easy St, Testville, TN 11111"

        // Create an AddressBook and add some contacts to it
        AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook();

        // Try to addd a contact a second time

        // Create a list of emails that match our Contacts
        List<string> emails = new List<string>() {

        // Insert an email that does NOT match a Contact
        emails.Insert(1, "");

        //  Search the AddressBook by email and print the information about each Contact
        foreach (string email in emails)
            Contact contact = addressBook.GetByEmail(email);
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {contact.FullName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Email: {contact.Email}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Address: {contact.Address}");