
Custom Printf Function

Primary LanguageC

0x11. C - printf

This project is for replicate the C standard library printf() function

What you should learn from this project:

  • Application of variadic functions
  • The complexities of printf function
  • How to use git in a team setting
  • How to work in a team

Printf function with the printing features of characters (c), strings (s), % (%), octales (0), hexadecimals ( x and X), string in rot13 and we also did a binary function (b)

We create a mini function printf like that of the C language, we document with the book the secrets of printf. We use the putchar function of the syscall writer function. and we work with data structures, with a structure called from the main.h

  • All codes will be compiled this way: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c
file Description
main.h A file for call to prototypes and structurs
_putchar.c A file for call to syscall (writer) putchar print in _printf
_printf.c A file for call base structur from main.h
print_chars.c A file for printing a char, string, Ascii value in uppercase, string and nonprintable character ascii values also string in reverse
print_hex.c A file for print hexa numbers and also an address
man_3_printf A file man type for printf function
print_rot13.c A file for print encripted numbers in rot13
print_numbers.c A file for print integers and decimal
handle_flags.c A file that finds the flag function, modifier function also clears struct fields and reset buf
print_unsigned_int.c A file for print an unsigned in in decimal notation, takes an unsigned int and prints it in octal notation, takes an unsigned int and prints it in binary notation.


int _printf(const char *format, ...);


  • Prints a string to the standard output, according to a given format
  • ALl files were created and compiled on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS USING GCC 4.8.4 with the command gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Pedantic *.c All files were linted for syntax and style with [Betty]
  • Returns the number of characteres in the output string on succes, -1 otherwise
  • Call it this way: _printf("format string", arguments...)where format string``` can contain conversion specifiers and flags, alog with regular characteres.


  • Joel Oduyemi - @Joelayo.
  • Shittu Sulaimon - @sadebare.