# API Development

Backend roadmap.. Including but not limited to.... lol

  1. HTTP Headers; just the good ones; method, content-type

  2. HTTP methods (method is an http header); GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE

  3. Paths (also called routes)

  4. Path Params (also called route params)

  5. Query Params

  6. Integration Testing Tools (and how to use postman, or cURL)

  7. JSON; serialization and deserialization (also called marshalling and unmarshalling)

  8. http.Request and http.Response structs

  9. Using context.Context

  10. Middleware

  11. Request Validation

  12. Talking to a DB (some sql) select, update, and insert statements

  13. Logging

    • slog
  14. API Docs

  15. Metrics

  16. Performance Profiling