
Docker - Microservice - Kubernetes Scaffolding

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Install from Pipfile, if there is one:

pipenv install

or, add a pakcage to your new project:

pipenv install <package>

Active the Pipenv shell:

pipenv shell
python --version

Plato App

Need to create static folder before deployment.


Migrations is done using flyway and plain SQL.

SQL-based migrations

Migrations are most commonly written in SQL. This makes it easy to get started and leverage any existing scripts, tools and skills. It gives you access to the full set of capabilities of your database and eliminates the need to understand any intermediate translation layer.

SQL-based migrations are typically used for

DDL changes (CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements for TABLES,VIEWS,TRIGGERS,SEQUENCES,…) Simple reference data changes (CRUD in reference data tables) Simple bulk data changes (CRUD in regular data tables)


In order to be picked up by Flyway, SQL migrations must comply with the following naming pattern:

  U2__Add a new table.sql
  V2__Add a new table.sql

The format we are using is the YYYYMMDDHHMM__DESCREPTION.sql

The file name consists of the following parts:

  • Prefix: V for versioned, U for undo, and R for repeatable migrations
  • Version: Version with dots or underscores separate as many parts as you like (Not for repeatable migrations)
  • Separator: __ (two underscores)
  • Description: Underscores or spaces separate the words
  • Suffix: .sql


To build a new project file.

docker build -f Dockerfile -t [repo/]containername[:versiontag] [more options] path | url
docker run [options] [repo/]containerimage[:tag\digest] [command to run]

Docker Commands

Command Description
docker pull <images> Pull an image
docker images Show all images
docker build -t <name> Build an image and tag it
docker run <name>
docker run -it <name> Run an interctive box
docker run -p 8888:80 <name> Run HOST:CONTAINER
docker ps Show all the current containers
docker ps -a Show all the containers
docker rm <id> Remove docker container
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited) remove all containers with exit
docker stop stop a detached image
docker push <name> push repor into recognize registry
docker exec -it bash Login into a running container

Docker Compose Setup

Re/Build the images first

docker-compose build

Start a cluster:

docker-compose up -d

Add more brokers:

docker-compose scale kafka=3

Running just the volume

docker-compose start redis postgres

Expose ports:


Expose ports without publishing them tot he host machine - they'll only be accessible to linked services.

DOCKER HOST IP ADDRESS = host.docker.internal