
Office Add-on for displaying Github statistics

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status devDependency Status



1. Install Node.js

Download a suitable package from the official page and follow the instructions.

2. Open a Node-enabled console

Windows: Node.js command prompt

OSX/Linux: Terminal

3. Install Global Dependencies

In your console, enter the following command:

npm install -g bower gulp

This will install the global project dependencies Bower and Gulp.

Install Project Dependencies

npm install
bower install

This will install all local project dependencies as configured in package.json (npm) and bower.json (bower).

Gulp Tasks

gulp mocha

Runs test files matching test/test-*.js with mocha.

gulp build

Runs the test task and creates a debug build in /debug.

gulp serve

Runs the build task, and serves the debug build at https://localhost:8443/.

gulp ship-build

Creates a production build in /ship.

gulp ship

Runs the ship-build task, and uploads the contents of /ship to an FTP server (default directory: /site/wwwroot).

For this to work, you need to create a file called ftp.json in the root directory:

  "host": "...",
  "user": "...",
  "pass": "..."