
Create a FreeBSD build server (poudriere) using vagrant, ansible, and ec2.

FreeBSD Build Server

Creates a FreeBSD server which provides a ready to run poudriere installation. See FreeBSD Handbook for further information on how to use poudriere.

This Ansible role is used to setup the server on AWS EC2 or VirtualBox.


export AWS_ACCESS_KEY='your key'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='your secret'
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='the aws region to use'
export S3_BUCKET_NAME='the S3 bucket name'
export POUDRIERE_KEY_FILE='the key file to use for package signing'

ansible-galaxy install JoergFiedler.freebsd-build-server,1.1.2
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant box add JoergFiedler/freebsd-11.2 --provider aws
vagrant up --provider aws

Log in with vagrant ssh.

sudo build-ports
sudo upload-to-s3


Change the private key which is used to sign the packages?

First you need to create a new key pair.

openssl genrsa -out files/poudriere.key 4096
openssl rsa -in files/poudriere.key -pubout -out files/poudriere.key.pub

Add the newly create private key to your playbook (site.yml).

poudriere_key_file: './files/poudriere.key'

Specify the list of packages to build?

Create a new file which contains a list of all packages you want to build.

cat <<EOF >> files/port.list

Configure the playbook (site.yml) to use your own packages list.

poudriere_port_list_file: './files/port.list'

Set build options for specific packages?

Options for you build can be set easily by creating your own make.conf file.

cat <<EOF >> ./files/make.conf

Add the file to the playbook (site.yml).

poudriere_build_options_file: './files/make.conf'

Build packages for more then one FreeBSD version?

Add more entries to the list of jails poudriere_jails in you playbook (site.yml).

  - { jail_name: 'freebsd-11_2_x64', version: '11.2-RELEASE' }

The configuration above instructs poudriere to create packages for the three versions (10.1, 10.2, 10.3) of FreeBSD.