This role provides a jailed MariaDB server.
You may configure the MariaDb server using the my.cnf
you will find in the templates
The role creates a ZFS dataset on an existing pool and mounts it to the jail. It is used to store the MariaDB database files.
This role is intent to be used with a fresh FreeBSD installation.
The root password that should be used to secure the MariaDB installation. Default: 'passwd'
The user name for backup user. It has read permissions to all databases to perform backup. Database content is stored in {{ mariadb_home }}
folder. On file per database. The file is zipped. Default: 'no_root_user'
The password for backup user. Default: 'passwd'
The directory in which MariaDB should store is files. Default: '/srv/mariadb'
The package name of the server package (which version to install). Default 'mariadb103-server'
The ZFS dataset to use for MariaDB. If it does not exist it will be created. Make sure the pool already exists. Default: '{{ host_srv_dataset }}/mariadb'
The directory on the host file system where the ZFS dataset is going to be mounted. Default: '{{ host_srv_dir }}/mariadb'
- hosts: all
become: true
- import_role:
name: 'JoergFiedler.freebsd-jail-host'
- include_role:
name: 'JoergFiedler.freebsd-jailed-mariadb'
jail_net_ip: ''
jail_name: 'mariadb'
Any ideas to improve this project, please open an issue on Github. Thanks.