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This role provides a jailed Joomla server. Server can be managed via SFTP.

Furthermore Lets Encrypt is used to create and manage server certificates.


This role is intent to be used with a fresh FreeBSD installation. There is a Vagrant Box with providers for VirtualBox and EC2 you may use.

Role Variables

Variable Description Default
wp_db_host IP address of the DB host. ''
wp_db_host_password Password of the user who is allowed to create tables and grant permissions. 'passwd'
wp_db_host_user The user that is allowed to create tables and grant permissions. root
wp_db_name The database name for the WP DB instance.
wp_db_password The password for the WP DB instance. wp_{{ wp_server_name_ }}
wp_db_priv: '{{ wp_db_name }}.*:All' Privileges given to the WP DB instance user. {{ WP_db_name }}.*:All
wp_db_user The WP DB instance user name. wp_{{ wp_server_name_ }}
wp_download_url The wordpress package (tar.gz)
wp_server_aliases Aliases (domain names) that the server should listen to. ''
wp_server_force_www Set to yes if the server should redirect to www subdomain. Add www.{{ server_name }} to aliases. no
wp_server_home Server home directory. /srv/{{ joomla_server_name }}
wp_server_https_certbundle_file: 'localhost-certbundle.pem' CA certificate chain. localhost-certbundle.pem
wp_server_https_dhparam_file DH param file. localhost-dhparam.pem
wp_server_https_enabled Enable HTTPS for this server. Automatic redirect of non-HTTPS request will happen. yes
wp_server_https_key_file The server's private key. localhost-key.pem
wp_server_name The server name (domain name). {{ jail_name }}
wp_nginx_pf_redirect All http(s) traffic will be redirect from host to this jail. no
wp_server_php_fastcgi_cache Set to off to disable the fastcgi cache. 'z_nginx'
wp_server_php_max_requests Maximum number of request handled by php fpm children. 1000
wp_server_php_max_children Maximum number of php fpm children running. 3
wp_server_php_memory_limit Memory limit for php fpm. '64M'
wp_server_php_upload_max_filesize Max file upload size accepted. '48M'
wp_server_php_post_max_size Max post request size. '46M'
wp_server_syslogd_server The syslogd server to use for request logging. localhost
wp_server_tarsnap_enabled Backup the server's webroot using Tarsnap. Must be enabled on host level as well. no
wp_sftp_authorized_keys File that should be used as authorized_keys file for SFTP. ''
wp_sftp_port Port to use for SFTP. 10022
wp_sftp_uuid UUID for the SFTP user. 5000
wp_sftp_user Name of the SFTP user. sftp_{{ joomla_server_name_ truncate(5, True, "", 0) }}


Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: true

    - import_role:
        name: 'JoergFiedler.freebsd-jail-host'
    - include_role:
        name: 'JoergFiedler.freebsd-jailed-mariadb'
        jail_name: 'mariadb'
        jail_net_ip: ''
    - include_role:
        name: 'JoergFiedler.freebsd-jailed-wordpress'
        - wordpress
        jail_name: 'wordpress'
        jail_net_ip: ''
        wp_db_host: ''
        wp_db_host_password: 'passwd'
        wp_db_host_user: 'root'
        wp_db_password: 'password'
        wp_nginx_pf_redirect: yes
        wp_server_https_enabled: yes
        wp_server_name: 'localhost'
        wp_sftp_authorized_keys: '~/.vagrant.d/'
        wp_sftp_port: 10022



Author Information

If you like it or do have ideas to improve this project, please open an issue on GitHub. Thanks.