Important: The old Mycroft settingsmeta.yaml is replaced by settings.json. There is an example with two servers and two stations. At least one server must be defined. The rest is optionally. Attantion: settings.json needs strict JSON syntax.
This skill tries to make the handling of saved playlists for the player MPD comfortable. In addition, this skill occasionally dialogs with the user or announces information. (There is a very good MPD skill from forslund. If you don't use playlists, but only have a music collection of music files, you should use his skill.) If you can answer three or more questions with yes, you should try this skill: Are different playlists used in MPD? Is there more than one MPD player in the network? Is there more than one Mycroft system in the house / apartment? Do you want to be able to control all MPD players with all Mycroft systems? Example sentences:
[alternative phrases are marked thus (term 2 | term 3)] "Turn on the radio" or "Turn on the radio in the kitchen (bedroom | workshop | …)" provided that the MPD software is already running but not currently playing a file or stream. "Turn the radio a little louder/lower" or "Set the volume to 50" "Play station (title | position) one (two | three | ..)" - if the player is in the same room "Play station (title | position) one (two | three | ..) on the radio in (the ) kitchen (bedroom | workshop)" "Play the first (next | previous | last) track (station | ...)" "What am I listening to right now?" "What playlists are there?" After that a dialog is shown to ask for list and start position "Open the playlist radio stations (or another existing playlist) and play station three" - direct specification of playlist and start position "Which songs (titles | songs | stations) are in the current playlist (list)" "What playlists are there?" "Search (Find | Exists) [search term] in the current playlist." - Search the current playlist "Search (Find | Exists) [search term] in any playlist." - Search all playlists "Search (Find | Exists) [search term] in the music database (music collection)." - then dialog for narrowing down search results. All commands can be executed on a remote device with the addition "on the radio (in the | in the) [room name]".
Under not fully reproducible conditions, conflicts with the mycroft-playback-control.mycroftai skill may occur. Please report on this under Issues
To avoid possible conflicts with the skill mycroft-volume.mycroftai, the announcement to change the volume must be expressed in a differentiated way. the best results are (for an english speaking german) with this words "Turn up (down) the volume of mpd (in the kitchen)". At least a blacklisting of mycroft-volume.mycroftai helps but is not necessary. Please read at least the configuration section in the wiki. More information about configuration, functionality and commands in the wiki.
python-mpd2 (pip install python-mpd2)
Music & Audio
ovos, Mpd, playlist, mycroft, skills