Add a Prime

The Challenge

You are given a function 'secret()' that accepts a single integer parameter and returns an integer. In your favorite programming language, write a command-line program that takes one command-line argument (a number) and determines if the secret() function is additive [secret(x+y) = secret(x) + secret(y)], for all combinations x and y, where x and y are all prime numbers less than the number passed via the command-line argument. Describe how to run your examples.

The Answer

Two solutions are included in this repo: one in Ruby, and one in PHP. Now you can choose your favorite programming language!

To execute the Ruby script, run the following command:

ruby addprime.rb NUM

To execute the PHP script, run the following command:

php addprime.php NUM

For NUM in either command, type a number greater than 2.


For the PHP script to work, you must have the GMP module properly installed and configured.