
Primary LanguageC++

What is this repository for?

  • FLEO, "Flow-Level Extension to OMNeT++"

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
    • Install OMNeT++ from https://omnetpp.org/
    • Download this repository into a subfolder in OMNeT++'s samples folder. eg. ~/omnetpp-4.6/samples/fleo/
    • In this subfolder, run "opp_makemake -f --deep" and then "make"
    • The executable created defaults to the subfolder's name (eg. "fleo" using the same example)
  • Traffic model
    • Download YouTube and Daum video metadata from http://an.kaist.ac.kr/traces/IMC2007.html into datasets/tubes/
    • run py/parse_yt_daum.py in its directory, eg.
      • cd ~/omnetpp-4.6/samples/fleo/py
      • python parse_yt_daum.py
  • Convert Rocketfuel topologies into .ned format
    • Download "ISP Maps" (rocketfuel_maps_cch.tar.gz) and "Backbone topologies annotated with inferred weights and link latencies" (weights-dist.tar.gz) from http://research.cs.washington.edu/networking/rocketfuel/ into datasets/rocketfuel
    • run py/read_rf.py (followed by an AS number) in its directory, eg.
      • cd ~/omnetpp-4.6/samples/fleo/py
      • python read_rf.py 1755

Who do I talk to?

  • z3123175 AT student DOT unsw.edu.au