This portfolio was created with react and incorporates a wide array of concepts and modules. The styling and asthetics are achieved with TailwindCSS and several npm custom scripts such as Typical and react-social-icons. The hosting is done through Netlify and craco was used in order to allow TailwindCSS which doesnt nativly support the newest version of react. React-router-dom was essential for the functionality and navigation throughout the website. was used as the content management system to allow for smooth updating of content on the portfolio. I used a youtube tutorial by Traversy Media to setup the original layout and Sanity implementation.
This link will take you to the deployed site on Netlify!
This would not have been possible without the help of my tutor Kumar Ramanathan, my instructor Calvin Carter, all of the class TA's including Sean Belverstone, Daniel Vega, and Fernando Medina, Elizabeth H. and my many fellow UT Bootcamp students. Background images provided by Pexels, originally by Philippe Donn and Felix Mittermeier.
If you have any questions about the app, open an issue or contact me through the contact form on my portfolio website: You can find more of my work at Joey Sisk.