This documentation provides an overview of the DJANGO api and highlights the steps required to get the application up and running on your machine.

Running the application

Install Docker on your machine and then run docker-compose up -d to start the database. The database will be available on port 5432. The database name is database and the username is user and the password is password.

Running the docker-compose up -d will also give you access to a pgadmin instance on port 8001. You can use this to connect to the database and view the tables. Use database as the hostname when adding the database to pgadmin on this port. If you have pgadmin installed on your machine, you can also use that to connect to the database using localhost as your hostname.

The command docker-compose up -d will also start a Mailhog mail server on port 8025. You can use this to view emails sent by the application.

The command will also launch the application and listen for any changes on port 8000.

Please see the docker-compose.yml file for more details on the application setup.

Application Entry Point

To get the full flow of the application and endpoints start by opening the file.

Additional Improvements

The app can be improved further by adding the following:

  • Unit tests
  • Deployment pipeline
  • App monitoring (i.e Cloudwatch logs and setting up alarms)