Announcement 📢

An ongoing static website is under development to demonstrate this project. (stay tuned)


Purpose of Fasa7ny

I love travelling and exploring, and visiting tour sites might be a bad experience due to the crowds. From my experience, these sites can be overrated and do not show the flavour of a location, and that's why I had an idea where explorers can share their experience through creating tour programs based on what they did. In other words, explorers put the most compelling places of their choice within an area (for instance: a city) and connect them in a directional route producing a tour program for the day. Next time an explorer visiting that area, the app will show two-directional programs. One is a guided plan based on the user's input budget, and the second is the previous explorers' experience.

Implemented features

Abstract details

  1. Google’s API for showing and navigating through the locations.
  2. Greedy algorithm to create a directional route based on user input.
  3. Liked Places is a set of places the user loves.
  4. Location's information (displays number of likes, estimated cost and an image)
  5. admin page (a control panel for administrators)
  6. profile page (can view/edit/delete profile and see visited/liked locations)
  7. main page (to view/create/rate locations)
  8. Fasa7ny! page (to enter your budget and view the said programs)
  9. Selected program page (to view its description and rating before starting the journey)

Technology stack

MYSQL NodeJS Android-studio

Future work

What I am planning to add in the future,

  • chat rooms, so explorers can talk and chat with each other
  • circles, so explorers within an area can share their live coordinates and meet if they preferred.
  • show programs based on the number of visits and ratings
  • create programs based on explorers' locations using ML techniques

Goto backend: