The repository will contains algorithms for different data structures.
The basic part of the avl tree is from CSCB63 such as function inside of Node,
and the test cases inside of Run.
The concepts of equalSet and union algorithm is from
"Just Join for parallel Ordered Sets" published by Guy E. Blelloch, Daniel Ferizovic,
and Yihan Sun, articles are inside of repo, the following link if for more info.
Data-Structure DisjointSet
union(x, y)
Min Heap
Fibonacci Heap
The graph contains numerous Node and Edge, and graph are divided by directed graph and undirected graph.
The repo will contains basic algorithms.
Searching: BFS and DFS.
MST/MCST: Prim and Kruskal.
Shorest Path Problem: Dijkstra and Floyd.
To be finished.