

Primary LanguageC


My C8600 screen broken at least some mbn partition broken due to flash wrong C8500S updata.app. So android-vnc is the tool I can see screen and to operate from PC. But seeing screen function works while operate not.

Based on http://code.google.com/p/android-vnc-server and https://github.com/eachscape/tryout-androidvncserver


  1. Compile or use executable androidvncserver and put under /system/bin/
  2. adb shell androidvncserver -k /dev/input/event2 -t /dev/input/event0
  3. Install any VNC viewer like Remmina on Ubuntu
  4. adb forward tcp:5901 tcp:5901, then vnc to
  5. optional to step 4, using wifi, like
  6. optional to step 4, using usb0, like
  7. If want quit, adb shell ps|grep androidvncserver and then kill pid

Build Note:

  1. Not capable with distcc so 'unset CCACHE_PREFIX' and then make androidvncserver under android src enviroment