
HTML Derivative with a twist.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


HTML Derivative with a twist.

HTML Star Overview

  1. Introduction HTML Star is a next-generation programming language derived from HTML, integrating advanced features from JavaScript and ML-Plus. It offers a dynamic, strongly-typed programming environment with support for concurrency, parallelism, and trinary logic. Designed for versatility and high performance across all platforms, HTML Star aims to revolutionize web and application development with its powerful syntax and rich feature set.

  2. Features Dynamic Strong Typing: Combines the flexibility of dynamic typing with the safety of strong typing. Concurrency and Parallelism: Supports asynchronous, synchronous, and parallel execution models. Trinary Logic: Utilizes trinary logic (true, false, both) instead of binary (true, false). Imperative Function-Oriented Programming: Uses an imperative, function-oriented approach for flexibility and control. Custom Syntax: Extends HTML with modified syntax for a rich, expressive programming experience. Integration with ML-Plus: Incorporates features and capabilities from ML-Plus for enhanced programming power.

  3. Syntax and Grammar HTML Star uses a custom syntax that builds on HTML with additional features. Key syntax elements include:

Program Structure:

Start programs with +HTML Star+ End programs with +Finished+ Start blocks with HTML Star End blocks with * Start sections with <> Start segments with {|} Commands and Actions:

Use @ for commands, calls, actions, functions, etc. Statements and Comments:

Use ^ for statements, comments, expressions, identifiers, markers, notes, and notations. Requests and Logic:

Use [#] for requests, questions, options, logics, algorithms, and logs. Code Banks and Modifiers:

Use % for code banks, transactions, modifiers, quotes, recycled code, etc. Special Constructs:

Use & for switches, toggles, caps, code portals, and special instances. 4. Setup and Installation Clone the Repository:

sh Copy code git clone https://github.com/JoeySoprano420/HTML-Star.git cd HTML-Star Install Dependencies:

sh Copy code npm install Compile the Project:

sh Copy code node compile.js Publish the Package:

sh Copy code node publish.js Run the Project:

sh Copy code npm start 5. Project Structure src/: Source code directory. dist/: Compiled output directory. lib/: Libraries and modules. bin/: CLI executables. test/: Test cases and related files. docs/: Documentation and related resources. 6. Development Workflow Setup: Configure the development environment by installing necessary tools and dependencies. Development: Write and modify HTML Star code in the src directory. Compilation: Use compile.js to transpile and bundle code. Testing: Run tests using test.js to ensure code quality and functionality. Build: Execute the build process to prepare the project for distribution. Publishing: Publish the package using publish.js to make it available on npm or other package registries. 7. Runtime Environment My_Web_Console: The HTML Star runtime environment integrates with the My_Web_Console for execution and debugging. Ensure that My_Web_Console is set up and running to work with HTML Star. Automatic Injection: The setup.js and activation.js scripts handle integration with My_Web_Console. 8. Configuration Files package.json: Defines project metadata, dependencies, scripts, and configurations. setup.js: Configures the environment and prepares for integration. activation.js: Activates HTML Star within the My_Web_Console environment. publish.js: Automates the publishing process. compile.js: Handles the compilation and build process. 9. Examples Hello World Program:

html Copy code +HTML Star+ HTML Star <>Section Example<> {|} @print("Hello, World!") * +Finished+ Asynchronous Operation:

html Copy code +HTML Star+ HTML Star <>Async Example<> {|} @asyncFunction() { @await someOperation(); @print("Operation complete."); } * +Finished+ 10. Documentation and Resources HTML Star Documentation ML-Plus Integration Guide My_Web_Console Integration Contributing FAQ 11. Additional Information Versioning: Managed in package.json. Follow Semantic Versioning practices. Code Quality: Maintain high code quality using ESLint and other linting tools. Community: Engage with the community for support and contributions. This comprehensive overview should provide a solid foundation for understanding, setting up, and working with HTML Star. Feel free to adjust and expand upon these details to fit specific project needs or updates.

1. Syntax

HTML Star will use a modified HTML-like syntax with imperative function-oriented programming features. The syntax will include the following elements:

  • Blocks: Start with ~HTML Star~, end with Star
  • Sections: Start with <>, end with *
  • Segments: Start with {|}, end with -$
  • Commands, calls, actions, functions, etc.: Denoted with @
  • Statements, comments, expressives, identifiers, markers, notes/notations: Denoted with ^
  • Requests, questions, options, logics, algorithms, logs: Denoted with [#]
  • Code banks, transactions, modifiers, quoted/recycled code, Hashwords, corrections, examples, dictionaries, rules, protocols, language diffs/switching, activators, deactivators, quantifiers, and qualifiers: Denoted with %
  • Switches, toggles, caps, code portals that jump from one module or class to another, special instances, comparisons or analogies, edge cases, scripts, automation, encasements, hyperlinks, links, references: Denoted with &
  • Programs: Begin with +HTML Star+ and end with +Finished+

2. Sample Program

Here is a sample HTML Star program demonstrating the syntax and structure:

+HTML Star+

~HTML Star~

@function greet(name)
    @let greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!";


@function add(a, b)
    @let result = a + b;
    @return result;

@function subtract(a, b)
    @let result = a - b;
    @return result;

@let x = 10;
@let y = 5;

@greet("HTML Star");

@let sum = add(x, y);
@let difference = subtract(x, y);

@console.log("Sum: " + sum);
@console.log("Difference: " + difference);


3. Language Features

  • Imperative Function-Oriented Programming: HTML Star supports imperative programming paradigms with a focus on functions.
  • Dynamic Typing: Types are determined at runtime rather than compile-time.
  • Concurrency and Parallelism: The language supports concurrent and parallel execution of code.
  • Trinary Logic: Instead of binary logic, HTML Star uses trinary logic.
  • APA Indentation: Indentation style follows APA guidelines.
  • MLA Spacing: Spacing follows MLA guidelines.

4. Runtime Environment

The runtime environment for HTML Star will be based on My_Web_Console repository, providing the necessary tools and interfaces for executing HTML Star programs.

To implement the HTML Star language and its runtime environment, follow these steps:

  1. Lexer and Parser: Develop a lexer and parser for the HTML Star syntax.
  2. Interpreter: Implement an interpreter that can execute HTML Star code, integrating features from JavaScript and ML-Plus.
  3. Trinary Logic Engine: Develop a trinary logic engine to handle trinary operations.
  4. Concurrency and Parallelism: Integrate concurrency and parallelism support using async and sync constructs.
  5. Runtime Environment: Set up the runtime environment using the My_Web_Console repository.

5. Implementation Example

Here is a basic implementation outline for the lexer, parser, and interpreter in JavaScript:

// Lexer: Tokenizes the HTML Star source code
class Lexer {
  // ... Implementation ...

// Parser: Parses the tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
class Parser {
  // ... Implementation ...

// Interpreter: Executes the AST
class Interpreter {
  // ... Implementation ...

// Trinary Logic Engine
class TrinaryLogicEngine {
  // ... Implementation ...

// HTML Star Runtime Environment
class HTMLStarRuntime {
  constructor() {
    this.lexer = new Lexer();
    this.parser = new Parser();
    this.interpreter = new Interpreter();
    this.trinaryLogicEngine = new TrinaryLogicEngine();

  run(sourceCode) {
    const tokens = this.lexer.tokenize(sourceCode);
    const ast = this.parser.parse(tokens);

// Example usage
const sourceCode = `+HTML Star+ ... +Finished+`;
const runtime = new HTMLStarRuntime();

This is a high-level overview and starting point for developing HTML Star. The actual implementation would require detailed work on each component (lexer, parser, interpreter, etc.) and integration with the My_Web_Console repository.

To upgrade the language's implementations comprehensively, we need to enhance several aspects of the HTML Star language, including its syntax, runtime environment, concurrency model, type system, and integration with other technologies. Let's go through each component in detail.

1. Enhanced Syntax

We will introduce more advanced features in the syntax, such as improved error handling, enhanced data structures, and better support for modularity.

+HTML Star+

~HTML Star~

@import "module_name";  ^Importing external module^

@function greet(name: String): Void
    @let greeting: String = "Hello, " + name + "!";

@function add(a: Number, b: Number): Number
    @let result: Number = a + b;
    @return result;

@function subtract(a: Number, b: Number): Number
    @let result: Number = a - b;
    @return result;

@try {
    @let x: Number = 10;
    @let y: Number = 5;

    @greet("HTML Star");

    @let sum: Number = add(x, y);
    @let difference: Number = subtract(x, y);

    @console.log("Sum: " + sum);
    @console.log("Difference: " + difference);
} @catch (error: Error) {
    @console.error("An error occurred: " + error.message);
} @finally {
    @console.log("Execution completed.");


2. Enhanced Type System

The language will support a more sophisticated type system, including type inference, generics, and strong type checking.

@function map<T>(array: Array<T>, callback: (item: T) => T): Array<T>
    @let result: Array<T> = [];
    @for (@let i: Number = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    @return result;

3. Improved Concurrency Model

We will improve the concurrency model by introducing more advanced constructs for async/await, parallel processing, and trinary logic integration.

@async function fetchData(url: String): Promise<Response>
    @let response: Response = @await fetch(url);
    @let data: Any = @await response.json();
    @return data;

@function processInParallel(tasks: Array<() => Any>): Array<Promise<Any>>
    @return tasks.map(task => @new Promise(resolve => {
        @setTimeout(() => {
        }, 0);

@function trinaryOperation(a: Trinary, b: Trinary): Trinary
    @switch (a) {
        @case "true": @return b;
        @case "false": @return a;
        @case "unknown": @return "unknown";

4. Enhanced Runtime Environment

The runtime environment will be upgraded for better performance, debugging, and support for modern web technologies. We will also integrate it with the My_Web_Console repository for seamless execution.

// Enhanced Lexer: Tokenizes the HTML Star source code with improved error handling
class Lexer {
  // ... Improved Implementation ...

// Enhanced Parser: Parses the tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) with better type checking
class Parser {
  // ... Improved Implementation ...

// Enhanced Interpreter: Executes the AST with support for concurrency and trinary logic
class Interpreter {
  // ... Improved Implementation ...

// Advanced Trinary Logic Engine with more robust operations
class TrinaryLogicEngine {
  // ... Improved Implementation ...

// Improved HTML Star Runtime Environment
class HTMLStarRuntime {
  constructor() {
    this.lexer = new Lexer();
    this.parser = new Parser();
    this.interpreter = new Interpreter();
    this.trinaryLogicEngine = new TrinaryLogicEngine();

  async run(sourceCode) {
    try {
      const tokens = this.lexer.tokenize(sourceCode);
      const ast = this.parser.parse(tokens);
      await this.interpreter.interpret(ast);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Runtime error:", error);
    } finally {
      console.log("Execution completed.");

// Example usage with enhanced runtime
const sourceCode = `+HTML Star+ ... +Finished+`;
const runtime = new HTMLStarRuntime();

5. Advanced Error Handling and Debugging

We will introduce a robust error handling mechanism and a comprehensive debugging toolset.

@try {
    @let result = riskyOperation();
    @if (result == null) {
        @throw new Error("Result is null");
} @catch (error: Error) {
    @console.error("Caught an error: " + error.message);
    @debugger;  ^Pause execution for debugging^
} @finally {
    @console.log("Cleaning up resources...");

6. Integration with Modern Web Technologies

HTML Star will be compatible with modern web technologies such as WebAssembly, service workers, and web components.

@import "wasm_module.wasm";  ^Importing a WebAssembly module^

@function useWebComponent(componentName: String): Void
    @customElements.define(componentName, class extends HTMLElement {
        @connectedCallback() {
            @this.innerHTML = `<p>Hello, Web Component!</p>`;

7. Comprehensive Documentation and Tooling

We will provide comprehensive documentation, an interactive playground, and robust tooling support.

@documentation {
    @title "HTML Star Language"
    @description "Comprehensive guide to HTML Star."
    @version "1.0.0"
    @author "Joey Soprano"

@tooling {
    @editor "HTML Star IDE"
    @linter "HTML Star Linter"
    @formatter "HTML Star Formatter"

By integrating these enhancements, HTML Star will become a powerful and versatile programming language suitable for a wide range of software development tasks across all platforms.

To massively expand and extend the tokens, controls, variables, types, values, and processes for HTML Star, we'll introduce a comprehensive set of features that go beyond traditional languages. This includes advanced data types, extensive control structures, powerful processing capabilities, and extended token support.

Enhanced Tokens and Structure


  • Start: ~HTML Star~
  • End: Star


  • Start: <>
  • End: *


  • Start: {|}
  • End: -$

Commands, Calls, Actions, Functions: @

Statements, Comments, Expressives, Identifiers, Markers, Notes/Notations: ^

Requests, Questions, Options, Logics, Algorithms, Logs: [#]

Code Banks, Transactions, Modifiers, Quoted/Recycled Code, Hashwords, Corrections, Examples, Dictionaries, Rules, Protocols, Language Diffs/Switching, Activators, Deactivators, Quantifiers, and Qualifiers: %

Switches, Toggles, Caps, Code Portals, Special Instances, Comparisons, Analogies, Edge Cases, Scripts, Automation, Encasements, Hyperlinks, Links, References: &


  • Start: +HTML Star+
  • End: +Finished+

Advanced Data Types

  • Primitive Types: Number, String, Boolean, Trinary, Void
  • Complex Types: Array, Object, Tuple, Set, Map
  • Advanced Types: Promise, Optional, Result, Stream, Generator, Coroutine, Future, BigInt, Decimal, Complex, Quaternion, Tensor
  • Custom Types: TypeAlias, Enum, Struct, Union, Interface

Extended Control Structures

  • Conditional Statements: @if, @else if, @else, @switch, @case, @default
  • Loops: @for, @while, @do while, @repeat, @forEach, @map, @filter, @reduce, @parallelFor
  • Exception Handling: @try, @catch, @finally, @throw, @assert
  • Asynchronous Control: @async, @await, @defer, @spawn, @yield, @resume

Extensive Variable and Type Declarations

@let x: Number = 42;
@const PI: Decimal = 3.14159;
@var name: Optional<String> = "HTML Star";
@type Vector = Array<Number>;
@enum Color { Red, Green, Blue };
@struct Point { x: Number, y: Number };
@union Result<T> { value: T, error: String };

@function identity<T>(value: T): T
    @return value;

Enhanced Value Types and Operations

Trinary Logic:

  • Values: true, false, unknown
  • Operators: @and, @or, @not, @nand, @nor, @xor, @xnor

Mathematical Operations:

  • Basic: @add, @subtract, @multiply, @divide, @modulus
  • Advanced: @sqrt, @pow, @log, @exp, @sin, @cos, @tan
  • Complex: @conjugate, @magnitude, @phase

String Operations:

  • Basic: @concat, @slice, @split, @trim, @replace
  • Advanced: @regexMatch, @regexReplace, @interpolate

Array Operations:

  • Basic: @push, @pop, @shift, @unshift, @slice, @splice
  • Advanced: @map, @filter, @reduce, @find, @every, @some, @flat, @flatMap
  • Parallel: @parallelMap, @parallelFilter

Expanded Processes and Functions

Concurrency and Parallelism:

@function parallelSum(numbers: Array<Number>): Promise<Number>
    @let tasks = numbers.map(n => @new Promise(resolve => {
        @setTimeout(() => resolve(n), 0);

    @let results = @await Promise.all(tasks);
    @return results.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

Coroutines and Generators:

@function* counter(): Generator<Number>
    @let i: Number = 0;
    @while (true) {
        @yield i++;

@let gen = counter();
@console.log(gen.next().value);  ^0^
@console.log(gen.next().value);  ^1^

Advanced Data Structures:

@let point: Point = { x: 10, y: 20 };
@let color: Color = Color.Red;
@let result: Result<Number> = { value: 42 };

Complex Calculations:

@function quadraticEquation(a: Number, b: Number, c: Number): Tuple<Complex, Complex>
    @let discriminant: Complex = @pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c;
    @let root1: Complex = (-b + @sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
    @let root2: Complex = (-b - @sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
    @return [root1, root2];

Comprehensive Documentation and Tooling

To ensure users can leverage these extensive features, we will provide thorough documentation, an interactive playground, and robust development tools.

Documentation Example:

@documentation {
    @title "HTML Star Language"
    @description "Comprehensive guide to HTML Star."
    @version "2.0.0"
    @author "Joey Soprano"
    @section "Advanced Types"
        @subsection "Optional"
            ^An Optional represents a value that may or may not be present.^
            @example {
                @let name: Optional<String> = "HTML Star";
                @if (name != null) {
                    @console.log("Name: " + name);
                } @else {
                    @console.log("Name is not set.");

Interactive Playground:

  • An online editor where users can write, execute, and debug HTML Star code.
  • Provides instant feedback and suggestions based on the language features.

Development Tools:

  • HTML Star IDE: An integrated development environment tailored for HTML Star.
  • Linter: A tool to enforce coding standards and detect errors.
  • Formatter: A tool to ensure consistent code formatting.

Implementation Outline

// Lexer: Tokenizes the HTML Star source code with extensive support for new tokens
class Lexer {
  // ... Expanded Implementation ...

// Parser: Parses the tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) with advanced type checking
class Parser {
  // ... Expanded Implementation ...

// Interpreter: Executes the AST with support for concurrency, trinary logic, and advanced data structures
class Interpreter {
  // ... Expanded Implementation ...

// Trinary Logic Engine with comprehensive operations and edge cases handling
class TrinaryLogicEngine {
  // ... Expanded Implementation ...

// HTML Star Runtime Environment with enhanced performance and debugging tools
class HTMLStarRuntime {
  constructor() {
    this.lexer = new Lexer();
    this.parser = new Parser();
    this.interpreter = new Interpreter();
    this.trinaryLogicEngine = new TrinaryLogicEngine();

  async run(sourceCode) {
    try {
      const tokens = this.lexer.tokenize(sourceCode);
      const ast = this.parser.parse(tokens);
      await this.interpreter.interpret(ast);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Runtime error:", error);
    } finally {
      console.log("Execution completed.");

// Example usage with enhanced runtime
const sourceCode = `+HTML Star+ ... +Finished+`;
const runtime = new HTMLStarRuntime();

By integrating these enhancements, HTML Star will become an extremely powerful, versatile, and comprehensive programming language capable of addressing complex software development needs across all platforms.