
This is the backend REST API interface that accepts requests to mine and classify open source issues from supported projects. The REST API allows access to both the BERT and TF-IDF text classification models.


How to install

Run these commands to get the necessary dependencies

  1. You must have a trained BERT model to run the BERT version of this API. Review the system requirements to run fast-bert. Our implementation of fast-bert and our training scripts are available at the training repo. This requires CUDA to run the classification commands. CUDA is not needed to serve the API by itself, however. A sample database is pushed to this repository for your use in running the server for some sample issues.

  2. Create a virtual environment from the root of this repository:

    python3 -m venv reprexenv

  3. Activate the new environment using

source /bin/activate
Your terminal will show (reprexenv) as a prefix if you activated the environment correctly: Example:
(reprexenv) ➜ GiveMeLabeledIssuesAPI (master) python3 -m venv reprexenv
  1. Install needed packages into reprexenv. From the root directory of this repo run:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Populating the database with labelled issues (must meet the system requirements for fast-bert and have a trained model, putting it under GiveMeLabeledIssues/BERT/BERTModels)

  1. Run BERT to classify open issues with your selected project.
Classify Command
 python classify <PROJECT> <CLASSIFIER>
 python classify jabref BERT

Running the server (sample database pushed to this repo to test this)

Run the server:
python runserver


Proof of Concept

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GiveMeLabeledIssues is a fully integrated Open Source Issue recommendation system. GiveMeLabeledIssues gives an interface to utilize the trained and tested BERT and TF-IDF machine learning models to label OSS issues. The system starts with a front end web application that prompts users to input their domains of expertise, such as Databases (DB), Machine Learning (ML), User Interface (UI), etc, along with the names of any supported projects they are interested in. Once these items are selected, the front end sends this to the backend REST API endpoint. The backend then proceeds to mine the current open issues for the inputted project(s) and then classifies them by domain label. These classified issues and labels are then compared to the user’s desired domain labels to determine which issues are relevant to the user’s expertise. Once this matching process concludes, the list of relevant issues is sent back to the user on the front end. Overall, GiveMeLabeledIssues is a POC of a greater architecture to facilitate the usage of our machine learning models for issue recommendation.

Full Product

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The fully realized product for GiveMeLabeledIssues will use a database to store mined issues and their classified domain labels for quick access. Additionally, the full product will support both the BERT and TF-IDF models to achieve the most accurate and timely classification. This full product will be implemented directly after the POC for GiveMeLabeledIssues is completed and integrated.

The Team

Joseph Vargovich, Fabio Marcos Santos, Jacob Penney, Hanish Parthasarathy, Dr. Marco Gerosa.