This is a demo project I used to learn about OpenGL in Rust. It is a basic minecraft-style world chunk generator. There are 5 different types of noise algorithms implemented: Random 2D, Random 3D, OLC (A version of perlin-like noise implemented by Youtuber Javidx9 in this video), Simplex 2D and Simplex 3D. Various parameters of these noise algorithms can be changed on the fly so you can see their affect in real time.
I was (and still am really) pretty new to Rust when I wrote this. The code is not commented very well so I appologize for that if you're looking through the code. The code is also poorly written/organized in several places and while I'd love to fix it, I think I'd rather just work on a new project. But I'll leave this here for archival purposes.
The instructions for interacting with the demo will appear on screen and change based on which noise algorithm is selected.