
Convert one file to another result file according to certain rules without paying attention to file read and write operations.

Primary LanguagePython


In the work, there are a lot of requirements to convert one file into another. File-dumper separates the file reading and writing operations, so that you can only focus on the processing logic.


| --  dumps       where you put the dump files
| --  result     the result file is created in here
| --  parsers    create parser classes here
| --  common     some common components


Create parser extend common.base_parser.BaseParser, and this parser class should have a method called parse(filename, file) -> str to process the dump file and return the process result which automatically saving in a result file with the same name with dump file. This class should also have the attribute called focus(type of array) to specify the files to be processed. Just like this:

class DemoParser(BaseParser):

    What's the dump files should this parser deal with

    foucs = [

    Every parser should add this method to process dump file content

    @param: filename: current processing file's name
    @param: file: current processing file's content

    def parse(self, filename, file) -> str:
        content = "";
        # there is your customize process logic
        return content


The program entry was start.py, just python it.