
Reactive web server template, using Webflux + Reactive-Mongodb as basic framework, a template for efficiently dealing with highly concurrent requests.

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a reactive web server template, using webflux + reactive-mongodb as basic framework, a template for efficiently dealing with highly concurrent requests.

A simple test server bases on this template from my own have 4000+ throughput per second(TPS) under 10000+ concurrency with 1s response time in average via pressure test by Jmeter.


1. Reactive Http action
The most important class was com.toocol.common.web.AbstractHttpAction, one HttpAction represent one http request handler, and add annotation com.toocol.common.web.ActionMapping to register http uri mapping. By default, the required HTTP request method is post, and the content-type is application/json.This is an example:

// uri is represent to "/article/add_article"
@ActionMapping(module = "article", action = "add_article")
public class AddArticleAction extends AbstractHttpAction<String> implements IVessel {

    public Mono<String> action(JSONObject param) throws Exception {
        ArticleAddress articleAddress = ArticleAddress.builder()
        return vessel().articleAddressRepo.insert(articleAddress)


2. Reactive mongodb repository
Just create a document class implement com.toocol.common.database.IDocument and add annotation org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document, then create a interface extends com.toocol.common.database.mongo.AsyncMongoRepo:

      host: localhost
      port: 27017
      database: your-database
public interface ArticleAddressRepo extends AsyncMongoRepo<ObjectId, ArticleAddress> {

@Document(collection = "article_address")
public class ArticleAddress implements IDocument {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4092392708753755910L;

    private ObjectId id;

     * the digest of article, use md5 algorithm.
    private String digest;

     * the url of article's HTML file.
    private String url;

    public String getId() {
        return id.toHexString();

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = new ObjectId(id);

3. Vessel
This template using extra Vessel to avoid the problem of circular dependency, you need add two class like this in your own project(or you can just ignore it with your own way):

public class Vessel extends DefaultVessel {

     * every bean in spring should add to there.
    public ArticleAddressRepo articleAddressRepo;

* This interface was created to acquire Vessel instance
public interface IVessel extends IBasisVessel<Vessel> {
     * @return vessel instance
    default Vessel vessel() {
        return AbstractVessel.get().as();