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FixMatch with Wide ResNet-28-2 on CIFAR-10

This repository contains the implementation of the FixMatch algorithm combined with the Wide ResNet-28-2 model for semi-supervised learning on the CIFAR-10 dataset. It monitors training with wandb (it's actually great !).


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • PyTorch 1.7.0 or higher
  • torchvision 0.8.1 or higher
  • wandb 0.15.0 or higher


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JoffreyMa/ssl-cifar10.git
cd ssl-cifar10
  1. Run the training script:
python ssl-cifar10/main.py

The training script will train the Wide ResNet-28-2 model using the FixMatch algorithm on the CIFAR-10 dataset with 250 randomly selected labeled images. The test loss and test accuracy will be printed for each epoch, and the trained model will be saved as fixmatch_wide_resnet.pth.

Code organisation

Directories in this repository are organized as follows.

  • data: Host the CIFAR-10 dataset when downloaded
  • models: Contains the trained models
  • ssl-cifar10: Scripts of the project
  • report: Report of the project and its images
  • venv: Virtual environment, I advise you create a venv.
  • wandb: Location of wandb log files, similarly to the runs directory of Tensorboard.

Check out report/report.ipynb to see the evolution of the project results.


  • dataset.py: Custom torch Dataset to apply appropriate transformations to labeled/unlabeled data.
  • ema.py: Exponential Moving Average version of the trained model.
  • evaluate.py: Evaluate the performances of FixMatch in a way compatible with WandB.
  • fixmatch.py: Contains the implementation of the FixMatch algorithm.
  • main.py: The main script to run the training and evaluation.
  • utils.py: Contains utility functions for creating data loaders with the custom datasets.
  • wide_resnet.py: Contains the implementation of the Wide ResNet-28-2 model.


  • Sohn, K., Berthelot, D., Li, C., Zhang, Z., Carlini, N., Cubuk, E. D., Kurakin, A., Zhang, H., & Raffel, C. (2020). FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.07685.
  • Zagoruyko, S., & Komodakis, N. (2016). Wide Residual Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.07146.
  • Chaudhary. The Illustrated FixMatch for Semi-Supervised Learning. https://amitness.com/2020/03/fixmatch-semi-supervised/