
Python client to consume Electrolux Group API

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Work in progress

Electrolux Group API Client

This is a Python client for the Electrolux Group API. It is a simple wrapper around the API, which allows you to interact with the API in a more Pythonic way.


Use poetry install --extras cli to install dependencies for CLI and the library itself.


usage: cli.py [-h] -k API_KEY -t ACCESS_TOKEN -r REFRESH_TOKEN {list,command} ...

positional arguments:

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


Before being able to use the CLI, you'll need to provide access token, refresh token and API key. All of these can be obtained using the developer dashboard.

To store credentials locally, use the login command:

poetry run python3 src/cli.py login -k $API_KEY -t $ACCESS_TOKEN -r $REFRESH_TOKEN

Listing devices

To list all devices, use the list command:

poetry run python3 src/cli.py list

Sending commands

Commands to be sent must be proper JSON. You can use the list command described above to find appliance IDs and commands that will be accepted by the appliance.

For example, to change the fan speed for an air purifier you can use the following commands:

poetry run python3 src/cli.py command -d $APPLIANCE_ID -c '{"Workmode": "Manual"}'
poetry run python3 src/cli.py command -d $APPLIANCE_ID -c '{"Fanspeed": 3}'

and to switch it to automatic mode you can use

poetry run python3 src/cli.py command -d $APPLIANCE_ID -c '{"Workmode": "Auto"}'


This client is not officially supported by Electrolux Group. It is a community project, and it is not guaranteed to be up-to-date with the latest changes in the API.