Quick reference for kali linux setup guide in virtual box

Download virtualbox from:

virtual box

Get both the installation as well as the Extension Pack.

While we wait for the virtual box download lets download the kali .ova from the offensive-security site.

Virtual box Kali Images

Be sure to select virtual box image before downloading.

Now install virtual box, and add the extension pack by dubbleclicking it.

Once our Kali image is downloaded import it.

In the menu go to file import appliance.

import image

Check the Reinitilize the MAC address of all network cards and select import.

This might take a while...

Optional settings of your kali vm:

On the network tab.

  • Change the network adapters, set the first one to internal if you run a testing lab.
  • Add a second adapter and set it to either NAT or bridged (bridged if you want to be able to attack any routers in the outside network)

On USB tab.

  • Add any usb drivers you wish to add (for example a wireless usb adapter)

On the Shared folders tab

  • Add a shared drive (make sure to check auto-mount & make permament)
  • optional you can set it to read-only, if you don't want kali to be able to write your machine.


apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
apt-get install git -y

Install Veil:

apt -y install veil
/usr/share/veil/config/setup.sh --force --silent

Install Cminer:

cd /usr/share
mkdir Cminer
cd Cminer/
wget  https://github.com/EgeBalci/Cminer/raw/master/Cminer
chmod 755 Cminer

Add Cminer to your .profile so you can execute it form anywhere in the terminal

nano .profile

Add the following to the end of the file

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/share/Cminer/"


Cminer Example

Cminer <file> <MinCaveSize>

give Cminer a file to look at and add a Minimium cave size your looking for.

Fixing issue's:

Fixing guest additions & shared folder mounting:

  • the Kali VM comes with Virtual box guest additons pre-installed, however sometimes you still run into issue's.
  • for example auto-mouting of shared folders that doesn't seem to work.
  • To fix this:
  • mount the guest additions cd (device > insert guest additions cd image..)
  • you can ignore any autorun.

Run the following in commandline to install the guest additions:

cp /media/cdrom0/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run /root/
chmod 755 /root/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
  • Reboot the system.
  • remove the CD
  • Replace cdrom0 for the mounted media device if you run into any errors while copying.

USB adaptor issue's on windows 10 & Oracle box:

If you have trouble mounting usb devices on windows 10 in virtual box; try changing the following setting in your registry editor.

  • open registry editor run > regedit
  • browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056- 444553540000}
  • Delete the key named upper filters
  • restart your windows pc
  • this should fix any usb mounting issue's with virtual box on windows 10