
A vim plugin to search current selection with Ack

Primary LanguageVim Script


A vim plugin to search current selection with Ack

Gif showing plugin


Use your plugin manager of choice.

  • Vundle
    • Add Plugin 'JohanGustafsson91/format-ack-search-from-selection'
    • Run :BundleInstall

OBS! Ack is required for the plugin to work.

NOTE: The plugin has only been tested on Linux

Basic usage

Search from selection
  1. Select some text
  2. Press AF to search
Manual search

:call SearchAckWithFormattedQuery('My search query')

Basic options

Set file path to python script

Default is ~/.vim/bundle/format-ack-search-from-selection/plugin/

let g:format_ack_search_from_selection_filepath = 'new/file/path/'

Set ignore folders

 let g:format_ack_search_from_selection_ignore_dirs = ['node_modules', 'dist']


Please feel free to send a pull request

  • Add custom key mapping
  • Test on Mac
  • Test on Windows